Seniors and Ambassadors STEM Career Exploration Badge
In our Seniors and Ambassadors STEM Exploration Badges program, girls will reflect on the areas of their education that inspire them and explore potential career paths they’re considering. Each girl will have the opportunity to share her ideas, and together, we’ll research the skills, education requirements, and earning potential for those careers. This process will provide a deeper understanding of what it takes to succeed, and from there, we’ll work on setting meaningful goals to help them achieve their desired careers.
We’ll also discuss women's challenges in STEM fields and explore strategies to overcome these obstacles with confidence and resilience.
Additionally, the educator will share her career journey—why she chose her path, how she reached her goals, and her aspirations for the future—offering insight and inspiration to help the girls envision their place in the world of STEM.
**Badge is not included. *Payments may be subject to a small foreign transactional fee.