Digital Street Smarts Empowered
Parental Controls for Online Gaming
This workshop will explore practical guidelines for creating a system to evaluate new games your child wants to download. In addition to building a decision-making framework, we’ll provide hands-on guidance by walking you through parental control features for three of the most popular games—Roblox, Minecraft, and Fortnite—ensuring you feel confident navigating their settings. As we explore these controls, we’ll also explain the core objectives and gameplay mechanics of each title, offering insight into what your child is trying to achieve and why these games capture their attention. This workshop empowers parents with the tools and knowledge to make gaming safer and more enjoyable for their families.
Session Duration: 75 mins
Cost: $28.25 (Includes HST)
Attention Girl Scouts: Please check the chatbox for links to your cybersecurity classes. Kindly note that these classes are informational and do not count toward earning a badge.