Daisies STEM Career Exploration Badge

Daisies will explore the world of STEM—what it is, what it means, and the many benefits it offers. They’ll discover how STEM applies to their everyday lives, identify which aspects of STEM excite them the most, and learn about the exciting opportunities that lie ahead in these fields.

The educator will share her career journey, including why she chose her path, how she got there, and her aspirations for the future. This class is delivered through storytelling and interactive conversations, making it educational and engaging.

Daisies will also engage in fun activities to explore and challenge career stereotypes. Through group discussions, they will examine societal perceptions of various professions and reflect on why specific roles are categorised as "for men," "for women," or "for both." The activity highlights the impact of these stereotypes on career opportunities and reinforces the message that women can pursue and excel in any field.

*Badge is not included. *Payments may be subject to a small foreign transactional fee.